“Prayer prayed in faith has the power to destroy the devil’s schemes and make the way for every barrier to be shattered, every gate to be blown open, and for God’s blessings to flow without interruption.”
– Daniel Kolenda
Reinhard Bonnke once said, “Man needs God but God needs man. When the two come together for God’s purposes, anything becomes possible.” The supernatural agreement through faith between Almighty God and a man or a woman who knows how to pray is more powerful than a thermo-nuclear bomb! It is a partnership between heaven and earth that is exercised when God’s people agree with the purposes of God and pray those purposes into being in the earthly realm.
This largely unrecognised truth from God’s Word is what James 5:16 was referring to when it says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man [or woman] availeth much.” The Amplified Bible translates this same scripture, “The earnest [heartfelt, continued] prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].”
The word “power” in this scripture comes from the Greek word dunamis which properly translated means power, inherent ability, capability, ability to perform anything. This word dunamis derives from the same root word from which we get the word “dynamite,” a powerful explosive! The Bible teaches us that when we pray, we have the potential of igniting the explosive dynamite of heaven in our circumstances and in the events of the earth.
Prayer prayed in faith has the power to destroy the devil’s schemes and make the way for every barrier to be shattered, every gate to be blown open, and for God’s blessings to flow without interruption. That’s power! Whenever there is an agreement between two or more people who are united in faith, petitioning heaven for the same thing, the dunamis power of heaven that is released is multiplied exponentially!
As long as the enemy can keep the people of God convinced that they are powerless against the circumstances that they face, their impact in the earth will be anaemic and of little influence. But that is not what God has in mind for His people. There’s much, much more.
We hope you enjoyed this Bible Study by Daniel Kolenda. Be on the lookout for the next teaching PRAYER MATTERS in one week.

Unlocking the Miraculous contains power-filled chapters such as Prayer that Opens Doors, Praying Under an Open Heaven and Prayer that Releases the Miraculous and much more.