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Bible Studies

- Daniel Kolenda

As evangelists, it's important to understand that healing and miracles are not a side issue for us. They are a core component of what we do and who we are. 

- Reinhard Bonnke

I believe so strongly that God is the worker of miracles for his people. I believe the signs that followed Jesus as He walked the earth could – and should – be true in our lives today.

- Daniel Kolenda

Why does Prayer Matter? Evangelist Daniel Kolenda shares about the partnership between us and God, all for His glory.

- Daniel Kolenda

It is Easter, the glorious season when we celebrate the event that changed the course of history - the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. We rejoice in the fact that not only is He life, but He also brings life!

- Daniel Kolenda

It is Easter, the glorious season when we celebrate the event that changed the course of history - the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. We rejoice in the fact that not only is He life, but He also brings life!

Wilderness Survival Guide - Bible Study Series
- Daniel Kolenda

The wilderness is an untamed place, a most difficult season for the human soul. But it can become the source of the greatest spiritual reward. As we have seen in the history of Israel, as well as the life of Jesus Christ, God establishes His greatest works in the wilderness.

Wilderness Survival Guide - Bible Study Series
- Daniel Kolenda

In God’s Kingdom, before the resurrection there must come death. Eternal life rises from a grave just as spring emerges from winter. The key is, we must understand these mysterious, divine ways and believe the word promising life during the season of death.

Wilderness Survival Guide - Bible Study Series
- Daniel Kolenda

The author of Hebrews warned Christian friends going through a spiritual wilderness, “Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as when they provoked Me, as in the day of trial in the wilderness, where your fathers tried Me by testing Me, and saw My works for forty years.

Wilderness Survival Guide - Bible Study Series
- Daniel Kolenda

Finding a source of food in the wilderness helps the survivor keep energy and focus. There are different kinds of plants that can be eaten in the wild, but some are poisonous.

Wilderness Survival Guide - Bible Study Series
- Daniel Kolenda

Hydration is essential to survive a natural wilderness. It is also essential to survive a supernatural wilderness. Just as drinking clean water is urgent in hot, dry weather, we must drink in God’s presence during desert seasons.