When we say, “Africa shall be saved,” we must be intentional and committed to reaching the children and youth of Africa . . . and WE ARE! That’s why, in line with our God-given “Decade of Double Harvest” mandate, reaching the children of Africa with the clear, unequivocal Gospel message is a critical element that we MUST always be doing. This has become an enormous focus for CfaN.
Over the past few months, we have been launching an exciting, brand-new initiative we are calling “Youth Crusades”, . . . and the results have been OVER the TOP. Last year, while our CfaN Bootcamp students were out in the field, we ran our first “Youth Crusades” pilot project, sending four teams to conduct over 1,000 different youth crusades over the course of 6 weeks.
As the evangelists went from town to town, preaching at youth crusades as many as 9 times in a single day, they saw over 200,000 precious children give their lives to God and receive follow-up material as well.
That is over 1,600 children saved per day, per team of evangelists! YES! Already we have seen hundreds of thousands of God’s precious children come to know Jesus through our work with youth crusades in Africa.
These are PROVEN RESULTS, and it doesn’t stop there.
In just the first month of 2022, we saw 150,000 children saved in Rwanda (during “Youth Crusades”). Now, in the first quarter of 2022 at the time of writing this letter, over 520,000 children have accepted Jesus! This is SO exciting.