HOW TO RECEIVE A MIRACLE FROM GOD "How to Receive a Miracle" from God explains that the dynamics of the miraculous are the Word of God, faith and obedience. When these three are in place, miracles happen. Order your free copy today! Please note gifts are only available to residents of UK and Ireland. First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone Country * Loading... Prayer Request * Postal Code * Address * Please select an address House Name or Number * Street * City * Postal Code * Country * Please choose below the ways in which you want us to communicate with you. By choosing your preferences below, you are agreeing for Christ for all Nations U.K. to regularly communicate with you. To update you on our Gospel Campaigns in Africa and other regional events. To share practical needs concerning prayer and financial support and provide ministry opportunity via prayer, ministry resources, teaching and other services that will aid your spiritual growth. (Please note your personal details are safe with us we never sell details to external third parties - For more information please read our PRIVACY NOTICE.) How may we contact you? Email Mail Phone SMS * I have read the above statement and made my communication choices Phone Country * Loading... Postal Code * Address * Please select an address House Name or Number * Street * City * Postal Code * Country *