This young man had only one dream for his life, and that was to become a great Muslim, an Imam. He went to school, trained for and attained a position of leadership within a mosque. One day, on his way home from prayer at a mosque, Alfonso stopped by a friend's house, and this is where Alfonso's life would meet a CROSS in the road! Listening to a Christ for all Nations crusade service on the radio, Alfonso would experience a miracle, but this was only the beginning...
Watching this video of Alfonso's story, you get just a glimpse of what happens at each and every Christ for all Nations outreach. Story after life-changing-story are being created on the harvest field. And, as you've seen, it is the fruit that remains ... fruit that, itself, goes on to bear more fruit for the kingdom of God! What an honour it is to be a part of this marvellous harvest of millions of souls that God has called us to!
I know right now there is a lot of bad news going on in the world, but it isn't all bad. God is still very much alive and at work in the world. There are stories, like Alfonso's, being created each and every day and we, at Christ for all Nations, are more committed to preaching the Gospel around the world as ever. There are a number of people who help us each and every month with a special gift – some small, some large, but they all help us continue to do what God has called us to do. We call them "Monthly Ministry Partners". Not only do they give each month automatically, but they also commit to pray for evangelist Daniel Kolenda and the ongoing evangelistic outreach of Christ for all Nations.
If you are already a Monthly Ministry Partner 'Thank You' so much for standing with us with your prayers and financial support, you are playing a Key-Role in this end-time harvest of souls.
We could not do what we do without both the prayers and the gifts. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a Monthly Ministry Partner with us?