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Do you know someone who genuinely needs a 2021 MIRACLE in their FINANCES? Is it a dear family member or close friend? Is it YOU?

There has been a considerable economic fallout from last year’s pandemic . . . it’s glaring, and we’re seeing it first-hand! “Please pray for a financial miracle” is one of the leading prayer requests coming (daily) to us.

I can still remember the first real financial miracle I ever received. I was living by faith as a Bible college student. The end of one semester had arrived, and I faced the deadline to pay my bills to enrol for the next. I literally needed £2,000 by the end of the day. BUT I only had £200 in my bank account. I was in my dorm room praying, “Lord, you promised that you would provide for my needs. I need your provision today.”

I felt the Lord speak to my heart reminding me of words I had heard somewhere before. “If what you have in your hand will not meet your need, it can’t be your harvest. It must be your seed.” It occurred to me that the £200 in my account was the tithe of the £2,000 I needed for school. Isn’t it amazing that as 2 Corinthians 9:10 says, “God even provides the seed for the sower!”

I knew what the Lord was asking me to do. He wanted me to trust Him. I asked, “Lord, where should I give my seed?” At that moment, there was a knock at the door. When I opened it, one of my classmates stood there with tears in his eyes. He said, “I’ve come to say goodbye.”

That day was the deadline for the deposit on his dorm room, and he did not have enough. “How much do you need?” I asked. He said, “I need £300, but I only have £100.” “I have the other £200 for you,” I said with joy. I wrote the cheque and gave it to him. I shut the door, got back on my knees, and prayed again. “Well Lord, I’ve cleared out my account. Now there is plenty of room for you to bless me,” I said, almost tongue-in-cheek.

BUT later that day, I went to the local public library to check my email. A message had arrived from my father. He said that he had received a cheque in the mail for me. It was from an old family friend who felt led to send it for my school expenses. It MORE than covered the £2,000 I needed. Yes, that was one of the first times I experienced a financial miracle. Although today I often face financial needs in the millions of pounds, the principles I learned as a Bible college student still hold true.

The Holy Spirit was teaching me that Jesus wants to be Lord over every area of my life — including my finances. But this is not because He needs my resources; it is because I need His. He wants my life to be blessed, and whatever I put into His hands is blessed abundantly!


I can still remember when Reinhard Bonnke told me that the Lord once spoke to him saying, “For every deadline, I will throw you a lifeline.” YET God’s “lifelines” can often look like risks.

PLEASE HEAR ME NOW. The Lord frequently asks us to surrender what is ours, so we can receive what is His.

FOR EXAMPLE: 1 Kings 17 tells the story of how God used ravens to feed Elijah by the brook (“Cherith”) during a severe famine. Do you know someone who is experiencing a financial famine?

AND THEN ONE DAY, the BROOK DRIED UP. Have you ever had your brook (your source, your supply, your provision) dry up? After the brook dried up, the Lord spoke to Elijah: “Go and live in the village of Zarephath, near the city of Sidon. I have instructed a widow there to feed you” (l King 17:9 NLT).

On the surface, this verse sounds like God sends Elijah to the widow, so she can take care of him. But that doesn’t make sense. Widows in the ancient world were usually poor and destitute — especially during a famine. Just think about it. God could have sent Elijah to the richest man in Israel. For that matter, God could have continued to feed him supernaturally as He had been doing all along.

WHY, then, would God send a hungry prophet to a woman with the least to give? There is only ONE possible answer. God didn’t send Elijah to the widow to provide for Elijah. God sent Elijah to the widow to provide for the widow. But notice how the miracle God wanted to perform for the widow was contingent on her act of obedience and trust. Yes, God was giving her a “lifeline”, yet it could have looked more like a “noose” to natural eyes.

As you read the account, you see how she was asked to (first) give her last bit of flour and oil to Elijah before using it for herself and her son. AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED: Her willingness to obey and trust God opened a fountain of blessing that she could never have imagined! If you want your finances to be blessed, the Lord will ask you to put them into His hands. He wants to be the Lord over every area of your life because He wants every area of your life to flourish. WE DO TOO!!

As I said earlier, when we see the prayer requests coming to us (through the internet, phone lines, and the mail) “financial miracles” are overwhelmingly the CRYING NEED among our Ministry friends. That is why we feel compelled to (once again this year) exercise our faith for real financial breakthroughs for YOU. (NOT just TALK about it!)

We are going to DO SOMETHING about it with YOU through the power of anointed, faith-filled prayer! Together, in Jesus’ Name, we’ll attack every lack and tap into God’s provisions that will cause you to FLOURISH!! If YOU are HOPING, PRAYING, and LOOKING for a FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH to FINANCIALLY FLOURISH this YEAR – you may also feel led to take a step of faith (just like the widow in 1 Kings 17) and let the Lord lead you in giving something specific today out of your need.

In other words, SOW A SEED OUT OF YOUR NEED into the soul-winning soil of God’s work here, and trust Him for your financial harvest.

We are Ready to Release Our Faith for YOUR 2021 FINANCIAL MIRACLES!

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Here with the ENTIRE CfaN Ministry Team.)

PS It’s not by accident that you’ve read this letter. We asked the Lord to make sure this gets read by every friend and partner of this ministry who genuinely needs a 2021 FINANCIAL MIRACLE. We are going to gather our Prayer Warriors who have the spiritual confidence and capacity to BELIEVE SPECIFICALLY for FINANCIAL Miracles, Breakthroughs and Blessings for YOU. I don’t want you to miss this.

PPS As you sow a gift into the ministry today I have a FREE GIFT booklet I’d love to send you. If you already have one, please share it with a friend or loved one to help build their faith for financial abundance.


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