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76,000,000 Documented decisions for Christ


Our crusade in the Congo has been nothing short of miraculous, but it has not been without significant challenges. As we prepared for six campaigns in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we ventured into one of the most forgotten and inaccessible regions imaginable. This area is marked by extreme poverty, lacking basic infrastructure such as roads, running water, and electricity. Our Tanzanian directors remarked that they had never witnessed such hardship before. The journey to these towns is arduous; our senior campaign director, Vojtech Trcka, even spent nine hours on a motorbike traveling between two of the cities. This is a testament to the sacrificial obedience of going wherever the Lord leads, regardless of the discomfort or difficulty. 

Two of the five cities we are visiting have never hosted an international campaign before, while the other three have had only one, more than thirty years ago. The announcement of our return was met with tears of joy from local church leaders, who welcomed us warmly and adjusted their schedules to accommodate our campaigns. The eagerness and dedication we encountered were truly heartwarming.


Dear Mission Partners,

The final night of our last two crusades in Congo was a time of great celebration and blessing. In both Kananga and Mwene-Ditu, the evangelists prayed over the region, commissioning the churches to disciple the new believers, and encouraging them to continue in the unity they have built in these weeks. The effect on the local churches has been profound and will continue long after we are gone. We believe this is just the beginning for these cities – a revival has been ignited!


In Kananga, Evangelist Nathan Morris preached a final salvation message, and once more, the response was overwhelming. He said, “My heart is full of thankfulness and gratitude to our God who is faithful. There were many challenges to overcome to bring the Gospel to this region of the world. Because of the hard work and sacrifice we can say that the Name of Jesus was lifted high in Kananga!” The Lord confirmed His word with remarkable miracles.

Victoria, a 56-year-old nurse, had been suffering from stomach pain for two years due to masses in her abdomen. After the prayer, all the pain and the masses disappeared. Now, she can bend without any discomfort.

For two years, Charlotte suffered from a cyst in her ovary, which caused severe pain in her belly and back, making it difficult for her to stand. Since Thursday, the pain has completely disappeared, and now she can move freely without any discomfort.


In Mwene-Ditu, the final meeting was nothing short of a miracle explosion! The field was packed, with more than half the crowd indicating it was their first time there. The word of what God is doing here has spread far and wide. When Evangelist Rubens Cunha gave the altar call, 36,650 made the decision to follow Jesus!

During the healing session, Rubens felt led to pray for specific ailments, and the results were extraordinary. A wave of miracles swept through the field and hands went up all over, indicating they had received healing. Here are just a few that stood out:

Tshibola, blind for five years due to high blood pressure, regained her sight. Her healing was confirmed by many who knew her in the crowd.

Ndaya, suffering from insanity and epilepsy, was restored to full mental health. He said he could not recognize people before, so Rubens asked if he had a family member in the crowd and a niece came up to testify. He recognized his niece immediately, recalling her full name and her father’s name, and they joyfully danced together.

Mwata, a well-known local teacher with lingering injuries from two motorcycle accidents, experienced a powerful healing. He felt strength return to his legs, and the protruding bone in his shin miraculously moved back into place.

Right now, our team are on their way home after weeks and even months away from their families. I thank God for their faithful service and sacrifice, all for Jesus. Won’t you pray for them, for health, rest and recovery? Because the job is never done! Even as we rejoice over what God did in Congo, we already have our eyes on the next set of crusades coming up in Ethiopia in just a few weeks.

We are now over halfway through 50 crusades in our 50th year! God is faithful. Please keep standing with us as bring the harvest in – we need you by our side.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

Tonight was the fourth night of our last two crusades in Congo. In Mwene-Ditu, a man called Martin came up on stage to testify that he had been healed of chest pain, and in his joy, he exclaimed, “God is truly in this place!” What a perfect summary of what is happening in Mwene-Ditu and Kananga this week!


Kananga is a place that has seen much war and violence, but the name actually means “Oasis of Peace”. This week, the Prince of Peace has brought salvation, deliverance and healing to these people. After Evangelist Nathan Morris gave the call to salvation tonight, he shared, “My heart was full as what seemed like an ocean of people raised their hands to give their lives to Jesus Christ!”

The preaching was followed by prayer for the sick, and many wonderful testimonies followed. 

Ntumba Antho (6) had meningitis as a baby, leaving her right arm and leg paralyzed. During the prayer, she told her mother she could move them both, which she joyfully demonstrated on stage.

Jeannette (2) fell into a ditch a year ago and had been paralyzed ever since. During the crusade, her mother placed her on the ground in faith - and she started walking! 

Betu (23 years) had a tumor in her stomach and suffered from excruciating pain for two months, unable to eat. Last night, she came to the crusade and God healed her. She felt something moving in her belly. Today, she went to the hospital, and they confirmed that the tumor was gone. Now, all the pain has disappeared, and she was able to eat two meals today.


Evangelist Rubens Cunha shared, “Following the healing prayers, I invited the Holy Spirit to fill everyone present. The response was electric – demons manifested and were cast out, numerous people received their healing, and many spoke in new tongues for the first time. It was a powerful sight to behold!” 

Four years ago, Elize suddenly became dizzy, fainted, and fell, and from then, her lack of balance prevented her from walking normally. She experienced dizzy spells and fainting daily. On Thursday, after the Evangelist prayed for the sick, she was healed. She returned tonight to testify that her balance is completely restored, with no more fainting!

Penyela had tumors in both arms for 8 years. The tumors caused swelling and intense pain which prevented her from doing household tasks like cooking or cleaning. After prayer, the tumors disappeared, a fact confirmed by a childhood friend who testified to her healing.

Tomorrow is the final night of these ground-breaking crusades. What has happened here will reverberate for years to come! God bless you for your faithfulness, for holding us up in prayer and giving of your own resources to send us. We love you and thank God for you.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

Tonight was the third night of our crusades in Kananga and Mwene-Ditu, and God moved mightily. I have no doubt that what is happening here will have a lasting impact on these cities, with multiplied thousands receiving the gift of salvation and witnessing God’s power in signs and wonders. Every challenge, every attack from the enemy that we’ve faced is worth it when we see how the Gospel is received with such hunger and joy here!


In Kananga, Evangelist Mauricio Canales preached a powerful message on the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, and thousands responded to the altar call. Then the barrels of witchcraft paraphernalia were burned. A joyful shout of freedom rose from the crowd as Evangelist Nathan Morris broke curses in Jesus’ name. When Mauricio prayed for the sick, God confirmed His word powerfully through many, many healing miracles. Here are just a handful:

Musawu’s mother shared that her daughter (8) was lame and could not even stand by herself. As the evangelist was praying for the lame to walk, she put her daughter down and she could stand. By the time they got to the stage, she was able to walk!

For 7 years, Mputa had a tumor in her womb that caused her pain and constant bleeding. She testified that she was healed the previous night, and all bleeding and pain had ceased – completely healed.

When Nseya (60) got up on stage, the crowd went wild, because she is well known to many and had been blind in both eyes for 20 years! Tonight, God opened her eyes. The evangelist tested her sight on stage as the crowd roared with joy.


At the other crusade in Mwene-Ditu, the crowd swelled to over 50,000 people. When Evangelist Rubens Cunha invited the people to be born again, the response was tremendous. During the prayer for the sick, the Lord laid it on Rubens’ heart to pray specifically for people who could not walk, and several people in the crowd received their healing right away where they stood on the field.

Alphonsine was unable to walk unaided for 4 years and had pain in her legs. During the prayer, she says she felt a strange sensation in her legs and tried to take some steps. As she moved, she realized she could walk and threw away her walking stick!

Sarah was disabled by hip pain and would shake when she tried to stand. She, too, exercised her faith during the prayer. Her first steps were shaky, but as she walked, her strength increased and the shaking left her. She walks freely now without help, healed by Jesus.

There are two nights left of our six Congo crusades. Please keep pressing in for us in prayer. The enemy is not happy with the success of these crusades, and we are in a battle. But we know that the battle is the Lord’s! Thank you, with all our hearts, for standing with us for the sake of the Gospel.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

The second night of crusades in both Kananga and Mwene-Ditu was marked by powerful moves of God. Thousands gathered to hear the Gospel, and lives were transformed by the message of Jesus.


In Kananga, the momentum from the first night grew even stronger. Evangelist Nathan Morris preached from Isaiah 53, asking the crowd a powerful question: “Whose report do you believe?” With resounding conviction, the people declared they believed the report of the Lord. In a region where witchcraft holds sway, these declarations have the power to break chains and usher in freedom. Miraculous healings followed.

Teresa, who had a tumor in her mouth for 12 years, testified that it vanished after prayer.

Fransua returned with confirmation from his doctor that the tumors in his abdomen had disappeared. Marcel, who had difficulty hearing since childhood, and Baka, deaf in one ear for 10 years, both had their hearing restored.

Marie, suffering from a tumor near her hip since 2016, was healed and ran pain-free across the stage.


In Mwene-Ditu, Evangelist Rubens Cunha preached on Jesus’ forgiveness and freedom from guilt, drawing thousands to Christ. During the healing prayer, Pierre, who had suffered from impaired vision due to an infection, regained his sight.

Bishop Ilunga, using a crutch for 20 years after a broken leg, threw it aside and walked freely.

Majilie, unable to walk without assistance, stood and danced, completely healed.

The most striking testimony came from Yerro, deaf and mute since birth, who received her hearing and began learning to speak. She repeated words on stage, leaving the crowd in awe of God’s power.

Lives are being transformed in Kananga and Mwene-Ditu, and we are witnessing the faithfulness of God. The best is yet to come! Thank you for your prayers, and please continue to intercede as we move forward in this great harvest.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

Night One of our third week of crusades in Congo has been remarkable. In both Kananga and Mwene-Ditu, thousands gathered to hear the Gospel, and the presence of Jesus was powerfully evident through salvation and healing.


In Kananga, the field was packed with over 85,000 people! Evangelist Nathan Morris preached from Matthew 16, asking the crowd, “Who do you say that I am?” There was a massive response as many surrendered their lives to Christ. The unity among the churches was palpable, and God’s presence moved in mighty ways.

During the prayer for healing, Ntumba – a man who had broken his wrist in a fall nine months ago – testified that his pain was completely gone. Astrid, a 74-year-old woman who had suffered from a large tumor on her side, was healed, and the crowd erupted in praise.

Kabubya had a hernia for six years. He experienced total healing, testifying that the hernia had disappeared during prayer. The night was filled with testimonies of God’s goodness.


In Mwene-Ditu, another huge crowd gathered for the city’s very first international crusade. Evangelist Rubens Cunha preached from Hebrews 13:8, declaring that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Many raised their hands to receive Christ, and miracles followed. Rubens prayed for those suffering from deafness, and numerous testimonies of healing came in.

This woman, deaf for nearly five years, was able to hear clearly after the healing prayer.

A man deaf for six years also received his hearing, bringing joy to the crowd. Another woman who had been weak and using a stick to walk regained her strength and walked unaided across the stage.

The first night of week three has been filled with God’s power in both cities. We’re excited for what’s to come and grateful for your prayers as we continue. 

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

As we close another remarkable week of back-to-back Gospel crusades in the heart of the Congo, with one more week to go, it has become abundantly clear that the enemy is in an uproar. We have faced fierce resistance from every direction.

You may recall from earlier reports the treacherous roads that led us to these cities, each mile a battlefield in its own right. The logistics have been a constant challenge—equipment failing, airports shutting down, flights canceled. On a more personal note, I received word that a dear family member passed away while I was here. One of our crusade directors faced the anguish of his wife and children being involved in a car accident, and another director and his wife had their car stolen, passports and all. The list goes on. The spiritual warfare is intense, but when you witness what God is doing here in the Congo, you understand why the battle is so fierce.

We are not conducting just one or two crusades, but SIX, in six different regions. Each field is overflowing with souls hungry for the Bread of Life. The Gospel is being proclaimed with power. Signs, wonders, and miracles are flowing. The Holy Spirit is being poured out. In city after city, witchcraft fetishes are being cast burned, demons are fleeing, curses are being broken, and most importantly, multitudes are surrendering their lives to Jesus! Words fail to capture the glory of what is unfolding before our eyes. As Reinhard Bonnke would often say, “The Devil is mad, but Jesus is glad!”

In Ngandajika, the news of God’s miraculous power spread like wildfire! The crowds swelled to the point of bursting as the city buzzed with the news of what God was doing. They came from all directions, hungry for the bread of life. Daniel King delivered a powerful message, calling the people to choose life and blessing over death and cursing and the response to the gospel was massive.

When Daniel called for the people to bring their tokens of witchcraft and sorcery, there was no hesitation. Two barrels overflowed with juju, and we set them ablaze! The flames roared, a fierce declaration of the devil’s defeat and Christ’s victory. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the presence of God. And as the flames leaped, Daniel prayed a blessing over the people which they received with great joy.

Meanwhile, our technical team in Mbuji-Mayi were packing up the equipment in record-breaking time. They are on their way to the next crusade already and face another very difficult journey.

Lift up the precious people of the Congo. Lift up the courageous men and women on our team, who are laboring tirelessly to bring in the harvest in these challenging conditions. And pray that Jesus would be glorified in Congo. We have one more week of crusades here, beginning Wednesday. I believe with all my heart that the best is yet to come. 

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

Today, I found myself flying over the heart of the Congo, on a small Cessna Caravan, destined for Mbuji-Mayi. But as we approached, the sky drew a curtain of thick haze, shutting down the airport and turning us back to Kinshasa. And so here I am, grounded in the capital, yet my spirit soars with the knowledge of what God is doing in the crusades this week.

Not long ago, such a setback would have meant a missed opportunity—an entire night of ministry lost to the unpredictability of travel. But God, in His wisdom and grace, has multiplied our efforts. Since 2020, we have witnessed the rise of a new generation of evangelists, an army ready and eager to step into the breach.

Tonight, in the cities of Mbuji-Mayi and Ngandajika, the hand of God moved in ways that will be remembered for years to come. From children perched like sparrows in the trees to fields overflowing with souls hungry for the Word, these cities are basking in the glow of a divine visitation.

In Mbuji-Mayi, Jim Leamon stood before a sea of faces—50,000 strong—and proclaimed the message of salvation with a heart full of passion. The response was nothing short of miraculous, as thousands opened their hearts to Jesus, surrendering their lives to the Savior.

Afterward, Jana Bielava preached on healing and Trudy Makepeace gathered the testimonies—each one a story of God’s grace and power. Joy rippled through the crowd, a wave of celebration as the presence of God swept over them.

Meanwhile, in Ngandajika, Evangelist Daniel King ministered with power and conviction. The city was caught up in the current of the Holy Spirit, as prayer and worship rose like incense to the heavens. The crowd leaned in, eager and expectant, as Evangelist King prayed for healing and deliverance. And God answered, with testimonies of transformation following in the wake of His mighty hand.

As I reflect on the wonders God is performing in these cities, my heart swells with gratitude. We are witnesses to His goodness, participants in His harvest. And though the challenges are many, so too are His mercies.

Please continue to lift our teams in prayer as we press on, hand in hand with the One who never fails us.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

The Gospel campaign in Congo continues to make history as hearts are transformed and lives are healed. In both Mbuji-Mayi and Ngandajika, the presence of God was palpable, drawing crowds eager to encounter His power. The Holy Spirit moved mightily, breaking barriers and bringing forth miracles. Tonight, as in the previous nights, we witnessed the transformative power of Jesus Christ at work in these cities.

In Mbuji-Mayi, the night was marked by a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Evangelist Jana Bielava delivered a compelling message on the story of the rich man and Lazarus, leading many to turn away from sin and surrender their lives to Jesus. The altar was filled with people making decisions for Christ, and the atmosphere was intense as the crowd was baptized in the Holy Spirit, their hearts set ablaze with the fire of God.

Following the message, Evangelist Kathy Leamon, along with other ministers, prayed for the sick. The testimonies that followed were nothing short of miraculous, showcasing the Lord’s healing power.


Bukasa (17 years): After three years of debilitating back pain, Bukasa received healing and joyfully demonstrated his newfound freedom.

  • Marie-Jeanne (56 years): For a year, Marie-Jeanne suffered from severe pain in her left arm, but tonight she was healed and can now move her arm freely.
    Marie (45 years): She had been tormented by intense pain in her feet and abdomen for five months. After prayer, she was completely healed.
    Elisabeth (57 years): Elisabeth had endured chest pain and heart pressure since 2017. Today, she was healed and danced joyfully to demonstrate her healing.
    Marie (55 years): Marie was delivered from five years of hip and abdominal pain. She bent and danced on stage, pain-free.

In Ngandajika, the day began with a special focus on children, a rarity in this region where they are often overlooked in ministry. A “Children’s Festival” was held, and the response was overwhelming as hundreds of children came to the crusade grounds, eager to participate in the fun and hear about Jesus’ love for them. Through songs, games, and Gospel stories, these young hearts were touched by the message of Christ.

During the evening crusade, Evangelist Daniel King preached on the Prodigal Son, revealing God as the loving Father. The message resonated deeply with the crowd, leading to a powerful moment of salvation as thousands turned to Christ, embracing the love of their Heavenly Father.


  • Patrick (24 years): After three years of hearing difficulties, Patrick was completely healed and now hears clearly from both ears.
  • Jeannot (18 years): Jeannot had suffered from severe head pain for a year, affecting his vision and concentration at school. Last night, he was healed, and he celebrated by dancing.
    Jeremie (20 years): Jeremie experienced chest pain for three months after pushing a bicycle. Tonight, he was healed and is now pain-free.

As we continue this incredible journey in Congo, the testimonies of transformed lives and miraculous healings remind us of the power of the Gospel. Your prayers and support are vital as we press forward, knowing that each night brings more souls into the Kingdom of God. Please keep our team in your prayers as we continue to witness the Lord’s mighty hand at work.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

Tonight marked the second night of our ongoing Gospel crusades here in Congo, and what an extraordinary night it was! Crusades are happening in two cities simultaneously: Mbuji-Mayi and Ngandajika. Here’s an update from each.


In Mbuji-Mayi, Evangelist Kathy Leamon led the second night of our groundbreaking women’s crusade. This is a momentous occasion, as it is the first time female evangelists has preached the Gospel publicly in this city.

Despite the challenges, the night was filled with joy and victory as Kathy delivered a powerful message on the Cross of Jesus Christ. The response was overwhelming, with many women and men alike surrendering their lives to Christ. Evangelist Esther Tshimuanga, with courage and anointing, broke down spiritual barriers and curses, setting the stage for a new era of freedom and breakthrough for the people of Mbuji-Mayi.

Wonderful testimonies followed.

  • Therese had suffered from leg and foot problems for more than five years. After prayer, she was completely healed and danced joyfully on stage, pain-free.
  • Veronica, who had been experiencing severe headaches and nerve pain that affected her hearing, testified that the pain left her during the prayer, and she can now hear clearly and is completely pain-free.
  • Eugenie had been dealing with body pain and a tumor in her stomach since 2015. After prayer, she was completely healed and demonstrated her healing by dancing and moving without pain.

These are just a few of the incredible healings that took place. The atmosphere was electric, and even young children climbed trees to catch a glimpse of the glory of God, their hands raised in surrender to Jesus.

Over in Ngandajika, Evangelist Daniel King faced significant logistical challenges, including a stuck generator that threatened to delay the crusade. But through perseverance and God’s provision, the team overcame every obstacle, and the crusade went on as planned. As Daniel shared the message of salvation and healing, the response was huge.

Here are a few testimonies from Ngandajika:

Heritier (18 years) had been suffering from leg pain for nine months, requiring his father to carry him on a bicycle to the crusade. After the prayer, he was completely healed and demonstrated his newfound freedom by running and jumping on stage.

Berth (25 years) had a large mass in her stomach since she was ten years old and had not been able to sleep well for years. After prayer, she received her healing and slept peacefully for the first time in many years.

Jean Pierre (18 years) had chest pain and difficulty breathing after a motorbike accident a year ago. When the evangelist prayed, he felt the pain disappear and is now breathing freely.

These testimonies are a powerful reminder of God’s grace and healing power at work in the lives of the people of Congo. Thank you for standing with us. Together, we are seeing Africa saved, one city at a time.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

Tonight marked the beginning of our second of three weeks of Gospel crusades here in the Congo. This week we are in both Mbuji-Mayi and Gadanjika. Once again, the spiritual hunger and anticipation in these cities are palpable, and we are witnessing God’s mighty hand at work.


In Mbuji-Mayi, history was made as Evangelist Jana Bielava became the first woman to preach the Gospel in public in Congo. God had placed it on her heart to conduct a crusade in Central Congo, and despite initial resistance due to cultural norms against women preachers, she persisted. With the support of the local bishops and her husband, David, Jana and Evangelist Kathy Leamon entered the field with faith and determination.

As they arrived, technical difficulties struck, causing the sound to go out. Undeterred, Jana and Kathy began to sing, dance, and rejoice with the crowd. David played a drum, and the crowd’s energy soared. They managed to pull in a Gospel truck with basic sound equipment, and the crusade began.

Jana preached about the adulterous woman, and thousands gave their lives to Jesus. Kathy prayed for the sick, and Jesus did wonderful miracles!


In Gadanjika, the night started with significant logistical challenges as well. The main evangelist, Daniel King’s flight was canceled, and the truck carrying the generator was stuck in the mud.

The original generator – stuck an hour away from the field - and its replacement, ready just in time for the crusade.

With no evangelist or interpreter in the city, it seemed the crusade might be postponed. However, God’s provision and the team’s determination prevailed. Bootcamp graduate Evangelist Jim Leamon agreed to travel to Gadanjika, picking up the interpreter along the way. The technical team found a local company willing to lend a generator, and after using a backhoe to lift it out of a building, they had power for the lights and sound just in time.

The warm welcome from the city’s people continued to the crusade field, with an estimated 30,000 in attendance. Jim preached the Gospel and thousands surrendered their lives to Jesus.

Evangelist Jim Leamon preached on “The Law of Salvation”.

As you can see, this work is incredibly challenging. The obstacles we face are numerous and relentless, giving us new reasons to quit each day. However, every night as we lay our heads on our pillows, we are reminded that every tear, every prayer, and every sacrifice is worth it.

Please continue to pray for our teams. We are in the middle of the battle right now. More to come...

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN team)

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

As the curtain falls on our first week of Gospel Crusades in the Congo, we find ourselves awash in awe and gratitude. This week has been nothing short of extraordinary, with record-breaking crowds and an unprecedented number of salvations in both Mbuji-Mayi and Kabinda. Never before have we witnessed such a simultaneous outpouring of faith and grace in these cities within the same week.

The presence of provincial governors on the final night in both cities underscored the significance of these events. In Mbuji-Mayi, alongside government and local church leaders, we held aloft the flag of Congo and prayed a blessing over this beloved land. The response was electric; shouts of joy filled the air, and one bishop declared, “This city will never be the same.”

The Governor dances joyfully on stage with Evangelist Joe Turnbull

In this campaign, we encountered a new challenge. Our technical team, pressed for time, had to swiftly move all equipment to the next cities for the upcoming crusades. This urgency meant we couldn’t capture testimonies on stage. However, as the prayer of blessing concluded, a wave of excitement swept through the crowd. In Kabinda, the atmosphere was jubilant, with many rushing the stage in celebration.

My heart overflows with gratitude for the entire CfaN team and for you, our partners around the world. It is a profound honor to be part of this divine endeavor. Thank you for making this crusade possible!

Next week, we look forward to two more crusades in Congo, including a special women’s crusade featuring all women preachers (and myself ☺️). Please pray for our technical team as they face the formidable task of relocating all equipment in a matter of hours. There is much more to come...

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
(Together with the whole CfaN team)

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

Our fourth night of the first week of crusades in the Congo has been truly remarkable! Tonight, alongside our usual preaching of the gospel and prayers for the sick, we also prayed for the people to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. The outpouring and infilling were extraordinary. The hunger for the Gospel here is palpable. The crowd’s fervor is so intense that their unified voices create a roar that resonates across the city, drawing more people to the field each night. It’s an awe-inspiring sound. The Lion of Judah is in Congo!

Tonight in Mbuji-Mayi, I had the privilege of preaching, with Joe Turnbull leading the healing prayers. In Kabinda, Evangelist Jim Leamon preached, while Evangelist Moses Ajibade prayed for the sick. The testimonies from both cities were wonderful!

Masanka, a 40-year-old woman who had suffered from internal pain and bleeding for 28 years, experienced complete healing after prayer on Wednesday. She returned tonight to share her testimony.

Regine, a 70-year-old woman who had struggled with hearing problems for many years, found her hearing miraculously restored after receiving prayer.

Maluka, whose vision was impaired after an accident two years ago, saw his sight restored instantly as witchcraft items were burned on the field.

We have one more night of meetings this week, followed by two crusades next week and two more the week after; six Congo crusades in total. This year marks CfaN’s 50th anniversary, and we are conducting 50 crusades. By the end of this week, we will be more than halfway through! Please continue to pray for us as we press forward with all the strength God provides.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

We have just concluded the third night of our gospel crusades here in the Congo, held simultaneously in the cities of Mbuji-Mayi and Kabinda. The atmosphere reminds me of the crusades from twenty years ago, filled with vibrant energy from people experiencing a Gospel Crusade for the first time. In Mbuji-Mayi, we have not held a crusade in over 30 years, and with an average age of 15, an entire generation has passed. Kabinda, on the other hand, is hosting its very first gospel crusade. It is a joy to break new ground, even as our team navigates the complexities of organizing such a significant event. They’ve remarked that this has been one of the most challenging campaigns in recent memory.

This evening, I had the privilege of preaching in Mbuji-Mayi while Bootcamp graduate, Deepak Holkar ministered over 100 miles away in Kabinda. The response to the gospel in both cities was profound. Our counselors are tirelessly working to connect the many new believers with local churches. We broke curses, burned witchcraft fetishes, and prayed for the sick; Joe Turnbull led the prayer in Mbuji-Mayi, and Jim Leamon did so in Kabinda. We witnessed numerous remarkable testimonies, including:

Matina, who had been unable to walk without a stick for 15 years following a fall, was healed and walked freely.

Bony, at 43 years old, had suffered from painful wounds on both legs for 15 years. After placing his hands on his legs during prayer, he was completely healed and walked without pain for the first time.

Patient, a young man of 21, had injured his shoulder playing football in 2020 and could not move his arm freely. Now, he is pain-free and enjoys full mobility.

Jeanie, a 23-year-old woman, experienced a miraculous touch when she saw a vision of a hand washing her, and her pain instantly vanished.

As we look forward to tomorrow, we anticipate a powerful outpouring. We will be praying over the large crowds in both cities, inviting all who wish to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Your continued prayers and support are invaluable to us and the precious people of Congo.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

Tonight marked the second night of our campaign here in the Congo. There are two simultaneous crusades happening this week on two fields in two cities. On both fields, the attendance has been extraordinary. Crowds began gathering hours before the meetings even began, a testament to the deep spiritual hunger present in these regions. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, and it was clear that the people were eager to encounter the power of God.

I preached tonight in the city of Mbuji-Mayi. When it came time for the altar call, the response to the gospel was virtually unanimous. Our army of counselors was overwhelmed with the demand. I wish you could see the openness to the gospel here. It is really something remarkable and moving. We are now working hard to connect these new converts with local churches for further growth and discipleship.

After preaching, I prayed for the sick and many miracles followed. There was a remarkable number of people that said they felt tumors, fibroids and lumps vanish. For example, Grace, who had been suffering from a painful mass on his left side for two years, felt the mass disappear completely. Regina felt a lump in her side vanish, and Mpoyi’s stomach growth, which had prevented her from bending, disappeared, allowing her to move freely. Tshikuyi felt the fibroids in her womb dissolve, and Nkole’s tumor, present for six years, vanished during prayer. The atmosphere was charged with the joy and awe of witnessing the finger of God at work.

Grace showed where he used to have a painful mass on his side, like a ball. During the healing prayer, the mass disappeared completely.

Meanwhile, in the city of Kabinda, Bootcamp graduate Evangelist Deepak Holkar shared a powerful message about the Blood of Jesus. The excitement in the crowd was palpable, particularly in a city long associated with witchcraft. The locals shared that “Kabinda” means being captured or held, highlighting the spiritual bondage prevalent in the area. After the Gospel was preached, we burned witchcraft items, symbolizing a powerful break from the past.

One of the night’s most profound moments came when Yamba Yama, who had been unable to walk for 15 years, miraculously stood up and walked after prayer, even jumping on stage. This miraculous healing was a vivid demonstration of Acts 8:8, “And there was great joy in that city.” The city of Kabinda was filled with joy and celebration as the stronghold of darkness was broken.

There were many other testimonies from Kabinda as well:

Jack, who had been deaf in his left ear since childhood, regained his hearing.

Meecleck, previously unable to walk due to broken legs, stood and walked, even jumping on stage.

Pierce, paralyzed for over two years, walked and celebrated his healing.

Please continue to pray for us. We are just getting started here in Congo. Over the next three weeks we will conduct SIX such crusades and hundreds of thousands of people will hear the Gospel.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!


Dear Mission Partners,

Our crusade in the Congo has been nothing short of miraculous, but it has not been without significant challenges. As we prepared for six campaigns in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we ventured into one of the most forgotten and inaccessible regions imaginable. This area is marked by extreme poverty, lacking basic infrastructure such as roads, running water, and electricity. Our Tanzanian directors remarked that they had never witnessed such hardship before. The journey to these towns is arduous; our senior campaign director, Vojtech Trcka, even spent nine hours on a motorbike traveling between two of the cities. This is a testament to the sacrificial obedience of going wherever the Lord leads, regardless of the discomfort or difficulty.

Two of the five cities we are visiting have never hosted an international campaign before, while the other three have had only one, more than thirty years ago. The announcement of our return was met with tears of joy from local church leaders, who welcomed us warmly and adjusted their schedules to accommodate our campaigns. The eagerness and dedication we encountered were truly heartwarming.

Despite the severe logistical challenges, including our trucks suffering extensive damage and frequent breakdowns due to the lack of available parts in these remote areas, we managed to secure permits and coordinate with thousands of pastors—over 1,700 in Mbuji-Mayi alone. The situation became particularly challenging as our trucks struggled to reach their destinations. Ultimately, we had to hire local military-style transport vehicles, transferring our equipment from the damaged trucks to these vehicles, which arrived just in time for the crusade to begin. 


Tonight in Mbuji-Mayi, it was a huge first night by any standard. We are on the same exact field where Evangelist Bonnke preached in 1991 – a picture that stands in our headquarters in Orlando, bearing witness to the remarkable things that happened here all those years ago. This week God will do even greater things! 

As Evangelist Joe Turnbull shared his testimony tonight, thousands raised their hands, surrendering their lives to Christ. The testimonies of healing were extraordinary: a man was healed of a growing lump on his stomach, Julienne walked freely after 10 years of difficulty, Charles danced without pain after suffering for years, Sarah was freed from 13 years of headaches and insanity, and Henriette spoke without pain after weeks of chest issues.

Julienne could not walk unaided for over 10 years. Jesus completely restored her and she was dancing on stage with joy.


In Kabinda, they are already on their second night! The crowd’s energy was unmatched, and they eagerly received the message preached by Evangelist Moses Ajibade. Evangelist Deepak Holkar then led a powerful healing session, where David, who hadn’t walked without crutches for 10 years, walked freely. A 10-year-old boy, Henry, walked for the first time in his life, Charlotte regained her sight after 10 years, Jean Pierre walked after being incapacitated by a car accident, and a little girl was healed from a jaw injury that prevented her from opening her mouth.

David fell out of a tree, damaging his hip, and had been using crutches for 6 years before receiving his healing tonight!

All of these evangelists ministering with me this week are Bootcamp Graduates. The vision for multiplication and a Decade of Double Harvest is being fulfilled before our eyes

As we continue our crusades in this desperately needy region, we are overwhelmed by the Lord’s mighty work. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we face these challenges head-on, bringing hope and healing to the people of the Congo.

Yours in the Gospel,

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team

These Gospel Crusades are all funded by partner donations. Will you help us meet the costs and bring in the harvest? Support the Crusade HERE!